Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Democrats bring back the "War on Women" , this time the GOP agrees

 -  Missouri Representative Todd Akin asserts "legitimate rape" victims cannot conceive because a woman has a "secretion" which protects her. He infers a woman who suffers a pregnancy was not raped. This reignites the "war on women" attack by the Democrats, with institutional Republican support.
              - President Obama responds with "Rape is rape" - Right to the point, almost dismisses the controversy entirely
              - Republican nominee Mitt Romeny responded with "inexcusable" and "insulting and frankly wrong"
               - Media links Akin's remarks to Paul Ryan's support of personhood, pro-choice, and ultrasound legislation - Ryan co-sponsored a bill with Akin to narrow definition of rape by adding the qualifier "forcible rape".
               - Tea Party PAC joined host of Republicans asking Akin to resign. Not even the Tea Party will support this level of craziness, they describe his remarks as "unfortunate and inappropriate."
               - RNC Chairman asked Akin to resign, Akin refuses to drop out of National convention speaking arrangement
               - Sen. Claire McCaskill is Akin's opponent in this race she commented "It is beyond comprehension that someone can be so ignorant  about the emotional and physical trauma of rape." - More people need to vote for this woman.
 - The Republican Party is going to add an anti-abortion amendment to the party platform.  "We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children." - This amendment would make abortion for any reason illegal, even in the case of rape, incest and for the protection of the mother's life. Republicans officially embracing Akin's beliefs while condemning his language at the same time.

 - V.P. Candidate Paul Ryan supported legislation limiting abortion rights. He does not believe in abortion in the case of rape or incest, only to protect the mother's life. The legislation supported by Ryan would criminalize some birth control and in-vitro fertilization methods. None of this legislation was successful, Ryan is now a weapon for the democrats in the "war on women".

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