Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's all about the money - Madison Protests

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has gotten himself into a political quicksand with his current budget proposal which is aimed at cutting spending to federal employees. This "emergency budget" is being debated on the state floor tonight as it was last night at 3am. Pressure from 30,000 protesters have now brought national attention to the state budget crisis that is not as much a crisis as an attack against it's public employees. The current bill would slash wages and benefits of 40% of public employees, and it would eliminate the collective bargaining rights for every state union. I would like to ask Governor Walker how much money this will save? I wonder if it's worth the ire of nearly every union in the state. It seems this "short-sighted" (Pres. Obama) Governor is out of touch with what Wisconsin wants.

Now to talk about the protests, there were many signs and a huge demonstration outside the Capitol building where some of the protesters set up camp overnight. Teachers had a sick out which closed Madison schools and when the children were allowed to leave school they marched with their teachers. The argument they make is that the system should remain the status quo. Signs like "Kill the bill", "Hosni Walker" and "If Egypt can do it so can Wisconsin". While they aren't the most clever signs it's obvious the revolution in Egypt has made a difference in American politics. Earlier today the firefighters union showed their support and marched with the demonstrators. The Firefighters union supported  Gov. Walker in his gubernatorial campaign and donated millions, and even though the firefighters and police unions are exempt from this bill, they still protest against the Governor they helped put in office. It really says something to have your supporters openly dissenting. Governor Walker obviously does not have the side of the people in mind with this law.

It's all about the money, really. With millions of state employees and the unions they support, now these unions and the people have banded together in protest, it's not the people being attacked here but the unions they are part of. These unions collect dues from every member and most unions force employees to be members and as a result they are a prime breeding ground for corruption, it's no wonder the mob thought unions would be a good business. I had to ask myself where all this money is really going. And the answer is that union money goes to political campaigns. Most politicians cannot get elected without the unions, they have a huge donor base, huge membership numbers, and are easily swayed based on who can protect them the most. The biggest union in Wisconsin is getting thousands to protest for their money, and it's no surprise that Governor Walker wants a piece of that pie, except that Republicans have shown a history of being anti-union for decades. That's right this union money will be going mostly to Democratic candidates, I believe this is why he chose to attack the state unions. However, the corruption of these unions is so prevalent and their purpose so out of date I wonder if they really need laws that protect the greed of it's officials.

I support protesters standing up against laws they don't believe in, we all saw how peaceful protest can change the mind of a nation with Egypt, however the unions don't need this protest. President Obama called the law an "assault on unions", he did not stand against the governor which makes me think that we could be using our collective voices and our rights for peaceful protest for a better cause other then money. There were students, Packers and firefighters demonstrating with teachers, postal employees and don't forget it's COLD here in Wisconsin. Former Senator Feingold called the protests and "inspiring reaction" and fully supported the cause against the Governor.  The Democrats have been silent on the issue, not getting into the fray, which is dissapointing. There should be more of a reaction from our elected officals and from the Democratic Party. Glen Beck has already made Wisconsin proof of his wild conspiracy theories and we know how much they love to take down Glen Beck. Democrats should support the union only for the fact that the Republicans aren't, there are free votes down there, people are screaming for political action and no one who is listening.

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