Monday, March 14, 2011

The Insanity of Gaddafi: A commentary (pt2)

Crazy Quotes:
- Gaddafi describes AIDS as "a peaceful virus, not an aggressive virus"
It's obvious how out of touch with reality someone is when they describe one of the most devastating diseases to affect humans as peaceful. Gaddafi is the ruler of an oil producing country and has been relatively isolated from his other African Countries where millions have died to this epidemic. Gaddafi needs to sit down and watch "Philadelphia" and then be slapped upside his head.

"I am the leader of the Arab leaders, the king of kings of Africa and the Imam of the Muslims."
In an effort to annoy the Saudi Arabian rulers Gaddafi said this stating he is the end all, be all of Arab leaders. While this kind of thing is expected from tyrannical megalomaniacs, saying it when you are violently losing your grip on power is just delusional.

“There is no state with a democracy except Libya on the whole planet." And "Democracy means permanent rule!"
Gaddafi doesn't quite understand how democracy is supposed to work here, and believing Lybia is a true Democracy can only be delusional.

About Soccer “psychological and nervous sicknesses leading to angina pectorals, strokes, diabetics, blood pressure and early senility.”
During Soccer matches in Lybia people are not allowed to shout out the name of their favorite player unless it's Gaddafi's son, his name is okay. Gaddafi doesn't believe in his son's choice of lifestyle or career but he still wants someone to root for him. However it's a long jump from disapproving your son's hobby to thinking it leads to senility and diabetes.

"It is the Libyan people's responsibility to liquidate such scums who are distorting Libya's image abroad." —Gaddafi talking about exiles in 1982
This is Gaddafi's obvious attempt to get the people to kill his political allies. This statement is a sickening reminder that this man will not tolerate a threat to his power.

"I am not such a dictator that I would shut down Facebook, I'll merely imprison anyone who logs into it!"
That's right Facebook is against the law! Facebook has become synonymous with start up revolutions these days, tweets and status updates are news and followed by the world. Gaddafi recognizes this threat to his power and just declares Facebook illegal instead.

Insults: Many things have been said about this man throughout his 40 year reign, he has shocked everyone with wardrobe and rantings, here's my favorite Gaddafi insults.
President Gaafar Nimeiry - "a split personality--both evil".
President Ronald Reagan - "the mad dog of the Middle East".
1981 Newsweek cover - “the most dangerous man in the world”

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