Sunday, November 25, 2012

People like me need Obamacare and can't get it

I am 28 years old and I need Obamacare. I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 11. My seizures are controlled with expensive medication. My Rx is $225 every month, with a pharmacy discount card the cost is $136. When I was 22, I fell off my parents military retirement medical insurance and have been considered an insurance pariah.

I was given hope with the passage of the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obama-care. Governor Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin) has blocked the implementation of this law, despite the health care needs of the people of his state. Affordable health care is in the best interest of everyone, and Wisconsinites need to stand up and demand it of our governor.
The economy has not been kind to me. In the last two years I have held 6 jobs, only 1 offered me health insurance. I am on state welfare, due to being an impoverished adult female. I qualify for the the state family planning waiver, I receive free birth control. To those who oppose this program it is a medical necessity. I cannot get pregnant on my medication and due to my seizures a pregnancy would be life-threatening. Obama-care would eliminate my need for welfare by offering me birth control coverage through state-offered Badger-care. The governor could change a welfare benefit into an insurance program for many women in Wisconsin if he allowed the implementation of Obama-care. 

Badger-care has unintentionally created an incentive to get pregnant, by allowing instant access to healthcare for pregnant women. Women seeking to prevent a pregnancy, recieve the Family Planning Waiver which is also welfare. If birth-control costs were covered by insurance plans instead of the state, pregnant mothers and women seeking not to be pregnant would no longer be a burden to the taxpayers of Wisconsin. 

December 14th is the deadline for Wisconsin to extend Badgercare, through the President's health care law. If Badger-care is extended, it will cover more then 14,000 currently on the waiting list for state health care.

Walker has refused to implement the law on the state level. Instead, he has demanded the federal government enforce the law in Wisconsin. In a letter to the Secretary of and Human Services (DHHS), his reason given was not being given enough control over the program, he believes Wisconsinites will not have enough choice over their health-care decisions if Obama-care is implemented.
His reason for not taking control is that he wouldn't have all the control over the healthcare extension. His rationalization becomes, we can't have all the control, so therefore we will have none. 

The state legislature is even further away from understanding the need for health care in Wisconsin. 9 Republican state legislators believe those to who implement Obama-care should be arrested. Rep. Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) believes Obama-care is unconstitutional, despite the fact that it was declared constitutional by the US Supreme Court in June 2012.

People like me, don't get a choice in health care. If we are lucky enough, we get a plan through our employer. I am not lucky enough to have health insurance, in today's society this is a privileged right. Like many in my position, I favor an approach to health insurance that ensures coverage of everyone, some may call this socialistic, I believe it is an aspect of populism.

This insurance exchange would open thousands of windows and allow MORE control over health care. Wisconsinites currently have no choices and Walker could change that for millions in his state by just standing aside. 

The people of Wisconsin need to send a clear message to Governor Walker: Obama-care is the law of the land and constitutional, blocking it's implementation is not in the best interest of Wisconsin. Put aside ideological and partisan rationalizations and do the work we need you to do.

 UPDATES: According to the Kaiser Foundation, which studied the cost of implementing Obamacare - . "Overall state costs of implementing the Medicaid expansion would be modest compared to increases in federal funds, and many states are likely to see small net budget gains." - They estimate state spending would increase by only 3% - Read the FULL ARTICLE

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day 2012: Live Blog Tidbits

- 6:00 AM - Polls have just opened on the East Coast, more then 2 million votes have already been cast and before the night is over many millions more will decide the future of the country. Many bold predictions have been made. Here, I collected the most entertaining and informative election tidbits.
 - 7:00 AM - I drove into my polling place to vote, the grey morning looked a little ominous and snow was just starting to fall. I arrived in line at 7:04am. I was under the false assumption if I arrived early I wouldn't have to wait in line, I wasn't the only one. The snow fell heavier and heavier, and finally at 7:40 I cast my vote for President Obama. By the time I left, the world looked white with falling snow, this snow could change the course of how Wisconsin swings.

-8:00 AM - With an 11% approval rating, the fate of the House and Senate will be written into history today. Several interesting House and Senate races will show the mood of the country. The Democrats are in a strong position to maintain control over the Senate. I voted for Tammy Baldwin, a strong democratic voice and she maybe the first openly gay Senator.

-8:05 AM - Mitt Romney cast his vote in New Hampshire. WI Gov. Scott Walker likes Romney's chances. "It's going to be by an inch...but we're going to win here in Wisconsin"

- 8:37 AM - This election, in particular, it is so very important for women to exercise their right to vote. Women died to guarantee the right to vote for every woman in the US. Here's a wonderful version of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" that tells the story of women's suffrage.

- 3:05 PM - Facebook tracks votes in real-time with "heat map" all the information gained from users.

- 5:25 PM - Man dies while voting, is revived and asks "Did I vote?"

- 6:00 PM - Kentucky is projected for Mitt Romney, and no surprise there. Vermont with 3 electoral votes goes to Obama

- 6:20 PM - States on the East Coast are starting to get called, remember not all votes have been counted. 1-5% of precincts are reporting and no electoral votes have officially been assigned

-6:40 PM - W Virgina, and Indiana projected for Romney, South Carolina is being projected for both Romney and Obama but Romney takes the state

-7:00 PM - Projected Electoral votes so far 33 to Romney and 3 to Obama. Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee projected to Romney

-7:11 PM - Vermont, DC,  Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maryland and Maine projected for Obama, Oklahoma projected for Romney 

-9:00 PM - Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania go to Obama. Electoral Votes are 158 To Obama and 154 to Romney. Elizabeth Warren wins Senate seat, a huge win for the democrats. Romney admits he has only written a victory speech, isn't that tempting fate to screw you?

-9:15 PM - Democrats hold onto the Senate and keep Claire McCaskill who ran against Todd "the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down" Akin. A win for choice!
 - Massachusetts becomes the 18th state to legalize medical marijuana

-9:20 PM - Mitt Romney gains in the projected electoral votes 163 to Romney and 158 to Obama, but the swing states are swinging toward the President.
 -  In the Wisconsin Senate race, with 17% reporting, Thompson is in the lead.
 - VP Candidate Paul Ryan maintains his seat in the House and on the Budget Committee

-9:40 PM - Tammy Baldwin wins the Wisconsin Senate seat becoming the first openly gay Senator!
  - Minnesota projected for Obama

-10:00 PM - California, Washington, and Hawaii projected for Obama, Romney projected to carry Arizona, North Carolina, and Nevada. Electoral college votes are Obama 244, Romney 193

-10:12 PM President Obama wins Re-election by snagging Iowa, Ohio

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Presidential Debate: A Commentary with the Facts

Romney has to go on the offensive without being offensive.
Obama needs to outline his next 4 years of policy, while defending his last 4 years of policy.
Romney believes cracking down on "cheating" China will create jobs in the U.S.  - How?  If the program (Obamacare, PBS...etc) is not worth borrowing money from China he will cut it.

The Truth about Mitt Romney on cutting taxes - his pledge tonight was that no tax cut will add to the deficit and no tax increase to middle class.

President Obama cited this study    on Romney's tax plan which states Romney's plan will increase the tax burden on the middle class.

The Truth about Medicare attacks from Romney and Obama - "716 billion cut" vs. "voucher program"

Dodd-Frank explained - important financial policy that will not change anyone's mind

Romney-care and Obama-care are the same plan - one federal, one state based. Romney's main problem with it is that no Republicans supported Obama-care. Obama responds that Obama-care was a Republican idea, and same advisers used to create both plans.

President Obama held on a few seconds longer then he needed to on the handshake in the beginning of the debate.  This was to upset Mitt Romney's personal space longer then Romney was comfortable with. The President won the debate handshake.

Romney argued with and interrupted the moderator, Jim Lehrer, when he attempted to change subject or allow Obama a chance to speak. I was glad to see the moderator standing up to an anxious candidate, Lehrer actually asks for specifics and Romney responds "No". Otherwise Romney beat up the moderator pretty good.

Based on the body language Obama looks passive to Romney's aggressive eye contact and hand gestures.

Romney wins the Flagpin size contest.

"I hope Romney remembers to defrost the zingers." - Arianna Huffington
"When I walked into the Oval Office, I had a 1 trillion dollar deficit greeting me. We know where that came from." - President Obama
"In my opinion, government is not effective at bringing down the cost of almost anything." - Candidate Romney
"The first role of the federal government is to keep it's people safe." - President Obama
"You're not the President of facts."  - Romney
"I love Big Bird" - Romney
 "Obama was enduring the debate rather than fighting it." - Chris Matthews

Romney's performance was stronger and the professional spinners will say it was his win. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Republicans kill veterans’ jobs bill

The United States Senate voted down a bill that would provide funds to unemployed veterans to find jobs. The bill would have likely created 20,000 jobs for veterans. Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson (R) voted against the unemployed veterans today.The Senate can't pass even this legislation, a bill no one should be opposed to.  Senator Kohl (D) voted Yay on this bill, however he is retiring and can no longer provide a balance for Wisconsin. Former Governor Tommy Thompson and Rep. Tammy Baldwin are battling for the seat. As of today, the Marquette Law school poll had Baldwin ahead with 50% to Thomson's 38%. If we elect Tammy Baldwin to the senate seat she will not only be one few women representing all women in congress, she will also be the first openly gay senator from Wisconsin. Wisconsin veterans deserve better then Ron Johnson's Nay vote.

Senate Republicans kill veterans’ jobs bill

Roll Call Votes on Veterans Jobs Bill

President Obama Celebrates Pirates Day!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The White House: Honey Ale

Mitt Romney To Flood Victim: 'Go Home And Call 211'

This was such an opportunity for Romney and his campaign and he wasted it! He has the personal wealth to actually help someone who is homeless from a hurricane, it would have been amazing press! Instead while getting blasted for a bland speech at the convention, and having to share news coverage with Clint Eastwood's craziness he now appears to the press and the people as obtuse, myopic, and uncaring.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Funny or Die: "Legitimate Rape"

"If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down." - Rep Akin

Funny or Die roasts this comment in a parody as a big pharma advertisement. I love the part where the girl says "ask your doctor"...she's then punched by an offcamera fist, then it's "ask your congressman."
-Warning: This video contains some images that are disturbing but they have a point    


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Romney Defends Bogus Obama Welfare Ads, Dismissing Fact-Checkers

Despite knowing this attack is false, the Romney campaign spends good money after bad. This is the issue he wants? Mitt Romney's campaign needs to elevate the discourse in this campaign. Talk about Afghanistan, talk about unemployment, talk about jailing those responsible for the economic collapse in 2008...the country is begging the candidates to talk about real issues and instead they are willingly lying about the most cosmetic issues. I am disappointed in America
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Democrats bring back the "War on Women" , this time the GOP agrees

 -  Missouri Representative Todd Akin asserts "legitimate rape" victims cannot conceive because a woman has a "secretion" which protects her. He infers a woman who suffers a pregnancy was not raped. This reignites the "war on women" attack by the Democrats, with institutional Republican support.
              - President Obama responds with "Rape is rape" - Right to the point, almost dismisses the controversy entirely
              - Republican nominee Mitt Romeny responded with "inexcusable" and "insulting and frankly wrong"
               - Media links Akin's remarks to Paul Ryan's support of personhood, pro-choice, and ultrasound legislation - Ryan co-sponsored a bill with Akin to narrow definition of rape by adding the qualifier "forcible rape".
               - Tea Party PAC joined host of Republicans asking Akin to resign. Not even the Tea Party will support this level of craziness, they describe his remarks as "unfortunate and inappropriate."
               - RNC Chairman asked Akin to resign, Akin refuses to drop out of National convention speaking arrangement
               - Sen. Claire McCaskill is Akin's opponent in this race she commented "It is beyond comprehension that someone can be so ignorant  about the emotional and physical trauma of rape." - More people need to vote for this woman.
 - The Republican Party is going to add an anti-abortion amendment to the party platform.  "We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment's protections apply to unborn children." - This amendment would make abortion for any reason illegal, even in the case of rape, incest and for the protection of the mother's life. Republicans officially embracing Akin's beliefs while condemning his language at the same time.

 - V.P. Candidate Paul Ryan supported legislation limiting abortion rights. He does not believe in abortion in the case of rape or incest, only to protect the mother's life. The legislation supported by Ryan would criminalize some birth control and in-vitro fertilization methods. None of this legislation was successful, Ryan is now a weapon for the democrats in the "war on women".

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Edgy Political Movie: Game Change

This movie relives 2008 campaign for President and the moment Sarah Palin became a shining star in the Republican party. The acting chops of Woody Harrelson, Ed Harris and Julianne Moore make this movie highly watchable. 

Footage of candidate Obama in Berlin reminded me how inspiring he was then "The scale of our challenge is great, the road a head will be long but I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom, we are a people of improbable hope with an eye toward the future."

McCain/Lieberman  - This combo would have easily swayed independents...what could have been....

Sarah Palin had an 80% approval rating as Governor of Alaska by arguing against the republican establishment - Now she's the republican establishment media's favorite darling.

Steve Schmidt had to lay flattery on thick like calling Sarah Palin the next Ronald Reagan, the most endearing scene is when Palin, seeming catatonic, giggles at Schmidt referencing Reagan's belief that trees caused pollution.

Gov. Palin didn't know the difference between the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan, she believed Hussein attacked America on 9/11 - this is a great plot point - this is the moment where the drama increased.

Sarah Palin cared more about the local news of Alaska then the national news, quite admirable and rather endearing.

Former V.P. Cheney is misunderstood and made fun of even in Republican circles

Right after the Sarah Palin announcement, John McCain's polling number got a bump of 9%

Edgy Quotes:
"John McCain doesn't say what's popular, he says what's right."  - Schmidt
"She so outside the box, she'll help you recapture the 'maverick' label."  - Schmidt

"News is no longer meant to be remembered, it's just entertainment." - Schmidt
"She's a red light performer." - Schmidt
"I am ruined in Alaska!" - Palin
"This debate will be a debacle of historic and epic proportions." Wallace - 5 days before Palin's Vice Presidential debate against Joe Biden
"There's no way I'm going on stage with anyone who is pro-choice."  - Palin
"There is a dark side to American populism." - McCain
"This isn't the campaign I wanted to run." - McCain

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gillian Anderson(Dana Scully) on Bill Clinton

“We all, mostly women, lined up. And when he gets to you, he takes your hand and makes eye contact. After he leaves and he moves on to the next person, he looks back at you and seals the deal. When I got home, I expected to have a message from him, and I didn’t. I bet women across America expect it too.”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Speaker John Boehner - "The American people probably aren't going to fall in love with Mitt Romney"

"Listen, we're just politicians. I wasn't elected to play God. The American people probably aren't going to fall in love with Mitt Romney. I'll tell you this: 95 percent of the people that show up to vote in November are going to show up in that voting booth, and they are going to vote for or against Barack Obama." - Speaker of The House John Boehner in response to woman asking if he could make her fall in love W. Mitt Romney

There is No Political Prince Charming

 Every little girl is told that Prince Charming will rescue her from the dragon, and she will live happily ever after. Then she gets older. Every woman knows this story is a blatant lie, a deception and a delusion. We expected President Obama to be this Prince and voted for him. Then, 4 years later, we became disillusioned, disappointed, and disgusted. He asks us to pull the lever and vote for him again. We ask if we are better off then we were 4 years ago, we ask if he has made any real progress or change, we ask if we like what policies he has put in place and we measure what he has done with what he may be able to do. Like the little girl, we are fooled into believing Prince Romney will give us the dream so we change our vote and go for the greener grass.Then, time passes and it's the same puddle of mud we tried to get out of 8 years ago, and Prince Charming cannot rescue us from it.

Think of the President, in Game of Thrones terms, as Protector of the Realm. The President's powers are rooted in his diplomatic and symbolic roles, this power is limited and every President has fought against those limitations. Power in Washington D.C. is finite, you have to give some to have some. The President gained and expended most of his power on social issues like promoting gay rights, expanding Medicare and Medicaid to cover thousands more, immigration and ending the wars. This is what the President, as man, has accomplished, but people whine that, for the economy, he has not done enough.

"America was anxious, and feared it was losing the air of opportunity that had allowed it to be what it was—expansive, generous, future-trusting. It was losing faith in its establishments and institutions. And someone came out of that need who led—who was wise and courageous and began to turn the ship around. And we saved our country, and that way saved the world." -Peggy Noonan

1 man, 1 president cannot save America from itself. The election of 1 man has never guaranteed anything for its nation. 1 election cannot save us from an economic collapse, we have to save ourselves. The President cannot invest in local companies, local businesses and local communities only we, the people, can do that. We don't need an election to turn things around and we don't need the President to save us - and we shouldn't expect him to.

Once you understand that our President is not our savior then it cannot be used to manipulate you. Every politician running for president uses this delusion to try to sway you to vote for him, here are two examples: 

Mitt Romney, nominee for President asks if you are better or worse off then you were 4 years ago. He is, of course, referencing the middle class's inability to escape the crushing depression with this statement. All he has to do is ask the question and you fill in the blanks, any negative response is a vote for Mitt Romney he assumes. If anyone honestly asks themselves this question  they will discover the President has had very little to do with how their life has been shaped and it's outcome. Your own life choices determine if you are better or worse off then you were 4 years ago. Mitt Romney is blaming President Obama for not saving us from ourselves. 

President Obama decried he will get rid of Gitmo and release all her prisoners. A nominee for President does not understand all the intricacies of laws and powers needed to change, to allow that to happen. Obama was supposed to save us from the savage years of George W. Bush, and return to American ideals. The reality of the situation is that these prisoners can never be allowed to leave. This prison will  remain a stain on America's consciousness until it's very last prisoner dies of old age. Candidate Obama fooled himself into believing he was the Prince Charming, sent to rescue America from her enemies. President Obama knows the reality and not the fairytale.

In November we are voting for President and a man. A President who is just a man whoever he will be. A President needs to realistically understand the limits of his power to be effective. Americans need to grow up and stop hoping the President will save us from the dragon of a bad economy. We need to be socially trans-formative to save ourselves.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Denial of Transplants for Medical Marijuanna usage is disgusting!

Cedars-Sinai Denying Transplant to Medical Marijuana Patient with Inoperable Liver Cancer

Medical Marijuana Patient At Cedars-Sinai Denied Kidney Transplant

Mala prohibita crimes like smoking pot hurts no one, it does not even endanger the life of the smoker. Denying someone life saving medical care is killing someone! Doing it for this reason is asinine. This is judgmental murder. Marijuana will not kill this patient, people being ignorant of marijuana will. There are plenty of things in our society to be outraged about, but this is willful, knowledgeable murder on the part of that transplant board. This man is not a criminal, and even criminals get transplants.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gov. Walker captializes on Donald Driver's DWTS Success

Today and for always May 23rd will be celebrated as Donald Driver day by all loyal Wisconsinites. Governor Walker signed this petition  declaring us all to celebrate the victory on Dancing with the Stars. With a very GB Packer inspired country dance that thrilled the nation and got us all dialing and logging on to vote for him to win the mirror ball trophy. I was genuinely shocked he remained a popular star on the show throughout the season. I, along with many many women, fell in love with the pecs and the tattoos and watched week after week how he showed off his charisma on the dance floor. The judges would have given the trophy to Katherine Jenkins, she danced 3 perfect dances. The people and the fans of the show judged that Donald Driver should receive the mirrorball. The fans gave him this win, I'm betting he has more fans then our Governor Walker. The declaration was a way for Walker to appeal to women, which he desperately needs, the Republican campaign's base of women is shrinking. Donald Driver made me proud to be from Wisconsin with his dance, but Governor Walker and his take-over of our state have made me ashamed of him. Wisconsinites have a serious question to ask themselves in the next few weeks. The polls show Tom Barett, the democratic challenger is waning in popularity. He lost to Gov. Walker in 2010 by 5 pts, and he is currently 6 pts behind Walker. Many are predicting a Scott Walker win here in the Green and Gold state, that may be so, he may get another term. I wonder in the end, who will get more votes, Donald Driver of DWTS fame or Scott Walker of the Republican party fame.

Donald Driver's Packer Freestyle Dance

Scott Walker Recall: Teachers Tarred As 'Radicals' In Anonymous Flyer

Teachers are incredible, giving, understanding, necessary people in our society. They don't deserve to get slammed and used to score cheap political points. The only Radicals involved here are these pro-Walker radicals. Let the Rhetoric go people!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, May 18, 2012

Scott Walker claims 33,000...the real number is 400

From the WI Dept of Workforce Development, the jobs report from April is showing a dramatic drop in unemployment for WI, yet jobs were still lost, 5,900 jobs. Technically the job loss for private companies is 6,200 jobs for the month. However, the government made up for it by adding 300 jobs. This month could be taken in stride of a larger economy still trying to get back up on its feet but the report went a little further and tracked back to December of 2010 the month before Scott Walker took office, only 400 jobs have been added  to the WI economy. In a recent commercial, which are plaguing WI airwaves, Scott Walker claims to have created a net 33,000 during his time in office. Walker chose to go by a different federal report which paint a rosier picture for his campaign. Walker's numbers have not yet been proven by the US Bureau of Labor, this will happen after his recall election June 5th. Politicians are asking you to believe an unverified number to give him the vote, you get the verified number after the election results. Meanwhile, other sources reporting Wisconsin job losses are  swept under the rug, these are preliminary numbers based on only 3.5% of the full report, but already the picture of Wisconsin's economy is grim. Politicians will use the state 6.7% unemployment rate to say that people are getting back to work, it's not as bad as the national number of 8.1%. This is what they will say, however they tend to ignore the people for whom benefits are running out due to long term unemployment and cannot re-file. Or the thousands who cannot register for unemployment but are underemployed. The numbers the politicians use do not reflect the truth. Vote on June 5th, in our recall of Governor Walker, whether you believe Walker and feel Wisconsin is moving forward in our economy or whether you're like me and want to tell him 400 jobs since 2010 is not enough! 

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Spot a Republican: A Joke

Original Source

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
"She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat."
"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."
"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Walk Away from Walker Wisconsin Women!

Women of Wisconsin need to wake up and walk away from Governor Walker. Since his election in 2010, Gov. Scott Walker has split Wisconsin down the middle and created debates with every signature.  His latest signature ended up on Act 219, the Repeal of the Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009. In Wisconsin, women receive 75 cents to every man's dollar, lower then the national average of 77 cents. Wisconsin women are getting paid less then men and even other women across the country. This bill takes away a woman's day in court after finding out her paycheck is less then her male counterparts'. Walker's team was lobbied by the Wisconsin Restaurant Association and Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce which supported the Repeal, these two organizations have made it clear they do not stand on the side of pay equity. Gov. Walker has made a few public statements in defense of this repeal. The Republican logic of this argument becomes this: Employers are always sexist against women, and the Equal Pay Act makes it easier for them to be sexist and protect themselves. They claim it creates a glass ceiling effect similar to the minimum wage. And finally, women choose to be paid less then men and therefore businesses which consider cost, above all else, will therefore choose to hire the woman because she is cheaper labor then the man considered for the same position.Here's how this policy harms the economy: Women control 12 trillion dollars out of the 18.4 trillion dollars in discretionary spending. In 75% of households women are the primary shoppers. With this amount of money moving through the hands of women we have the spending power to bounce the economy back on track. If you make it harder for women to earn their money, you decrease that purchasing power. We women love shopping, that feel of that new bag, that new pair of pink shoes, that little black dress, we love to spend and shop and consume. The doom-and-gloom economy has made us have to tighten our purses and save up our money for a rainy day. Tell Scott Walker you demand pay equality, demand that little black dress, demand those new shoes, and the right to earn it in court!

My pro-life girls should consider the previous paragraph enough of a slap in the face against women, the following may not agree with your ideology. Be warned - pro-choice liberalism coming up...
The second piece of legislation to be graced by Gov. Walker's signature is the Coercive and Webcam Abortion Prevention Act; authored by Sen Mary Lazich and Rep Michelle Litjens. Lazich has said this bill will "save lives" and allows "women aborting to do so freely and with proper access to a doctor." This bill criminalizes doctors who provide medical services over the webcam while a woman is going through a medically induced abortion. Another aspect of the law is determining if a woman has been coerced or forced into an abortion, doctors must offer domestic abuse services if they feel the woman has been pressured. This bill outlaws a common practice of using a webcam to receive medical advice. This law is incredibly vague and nearly impossible to enforce. It criminalizes a doctor's conversation with any woman in his practice if he does not offer certain advice or alternatives. Because this deliberately murky law has been signed by Gov Walker on April 9th, Planned Parenthood has been forced to stop offering medically induced abortions, which are 25% of all abortions performed by Planned Parenthood clinics. This viable medical option is no longer on the table for Wisconsin, that choice has been stripped. In order to receive a surgical abortion, which is still offered by Planned Parenthood in Appleton, Madison and Milwaukee, you must visit the doctor 3 separate times before receiving that legal medical service. In no way does this allow women more freedom or privacy when needing an abortion. Planned Parenthood has already been attacked by Walker in stripping funds that provide preventative services like breast cancer screenings, sexually transmitted infection testing, and contraception. We need to protect our reproductive rights, our inherent right to choice. A perfectly safe method of abortion which afforded privacy is no longer allowed for you, even if you have been raped, you must be surgically penetrated and can no longer grieve your loss without being lectured.

Wisconsin lost 4500 jobs in March, many of them in retail, a business dominated by women. The biggest issue in these upcoming elections is jobs. Unemployment will determine the mood of the public and will stir economic issues. Women make up the largest bloc of undecided voters, our vote has so much power. Scott Walker's agenda is to limit the rights of women, every single woman across Wisconsin. With these signatures, he has done nothing to put Wisconsin back to work. Wisconsin women can determine the course of the Recall election against Scott Walker. Money talks and we women control a lot of it! We need to Recall Governor Walker, he is no good for Wisconsin's women!

Planned Parenthood In Ohio, Wisconsin Loses Battles

In one month Gov Walker has attacked women twice, his re-election strategy is making sure he gets the Republicans against Planned Parenthood vote. Women Stand AGAINST SCOTT WALKER! This man is not solving WI's problems by limiting access to a legal medical service.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Now Is the Time. Actually, It's Past Time, Speaker Boehner

Dr David Gunn and James Barrett were killed with a gun bought by an emotionally unstable terrorist named Paul Hill. The NRA has enough influence in Congress, it's time to hear out the other side!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, April 16, 2012

An Open Letter to the Children of the Army of God

To sin is human, to forgive divine. God forgives every single one of us every single sin we commit in public or in private. God asks us to forgive each other, but this message can be lost even on the most devout. In 2003 Florida gave the lethal injection to Paul Hill. Believers have turned him into a martyr and a saint. This man was not a messenger for God, he was a murderer, plain and simple. The message of his movement The Army of God is a pro-life organization that is committed to protect and preserve life at any cost. Lethal consequences were the result of Paul's actions. In this letter I ask the followers of the Army of God and those that seek to join them to rethink the path of violence. I ask you to forgive your fellow human beings for a sin only you think they have committed. I do not seek to change your mind on life vs. choice. I only seek to stir your beliefs away from violence and back toward the God you love.

The language of the Army of God is inflammatory hyperbole and rhetoric. Anger and rage is not the Christian response. The Holocaust was horrific but abortion clinics are NOT concentration camps. The doctors that perform them are not Hitler. The Supreme Court did not sanction genocide in the Roe V Wade ruling. Using this inflammatory language does not convince anyone, it only provokes the use of violence. Shock value only desensitizes the significance of the historical events. Everyone believes the Holocaust was a wrong, not everyone believes abortion is wrong, and most people will not logically believe abortion is akin to Hitler's genocide. The Army of God uses the message of anger, fear, rage, and blame rather then the message of love, acceptance and forgiveness. If you seek to convince a woman not to get an abortion, do not insult, demean, condemn or judge her. Speak to her with respect, love, understanding and empathy, this is Jesus' message.

God's Will is unknowable, and rarely understood in the moment. Anyone who believes and says he can understand and interpret the will of God is plain lying to you. God had a plan for Dr. David Gunn, John Britton, James Barrett, Robert Sanderson, and George Tiller. These men were God's children, and he loved them. They would never know Gods' plan for their lives because they were all murdered by those who say they cherish life above all else. They were not deserved of death, their deaths were not justified. Believers may feel they decided their own fate by choosing to perform abortions, they chose to provide a health service to women in need not to be gunned down in parking lot.

Killing someone is wrong, it's murder, it's a felony, a life sentence and for Paul Hill a death sentence. When speaking about his crimes Hill said this, "I thought I'd be filled with religious rapture, but my stomach was a bottomless pit." Paul felt this way because in his soul he knew this was murder, cold-blooded and brutal. If every life, even one that cannot survive outside the womb, is sacred then the lives Hill took are also sacred. Destroying life is acting against God. If you continue down the path of seeking violence you will become a criminal, an outcast, a social pariah. Your liberties will be stripped from you, and your beliefs don't matter in prison. Taking a life is a judgement you are not allowed to pass, an action you will regret, and a loss of your soul. Even if you plant a bomb that doesn't kill anyone you will forever be a criminal. Paul Hill did not save any lives, he took them violently and for this God and society punished him as they will punish you.

Violence is never the answer. There are so many alternatives to death and destruction. Open a counseling center, an adoption service, trying listening to the women who want an abortion instead of preaching to them. Understand and forgive those who do not agree with you. If you are moved to action, called by God to change the world to end abortion then become an activist. Activism is how we change minds. I don't believe abortion is wrong or a sin, I believe it's a choice. That choice can only be taken away by God, not by those that call themselves the Army of God. Violence was not what Jesus taught he would be ashamed of those killing in his name. Love one another and forgive all those who sin against you.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tennessee Abortion Bill Would Make Abortion Providers' Names Public

This bill is an invasion of privacy and a violation of Dr/patient confidentiality laws. No explanation from the lawmakers as to why this needs to be a law! Violence against women and doctors is the only reason they have. This bill screams to the people of Tenn. to fire Rep. Matthew Hill (R-Jonesborough), from office!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, January 30, 2012

Notes on the News: Republican endorsements

Those endorsing Romney always seem to have issues with him too...I like you man. just don't love you, but hey, let's beat those liberals!

While meeting with George H. W. Bush and Barbra Bush receiving their endorsement, Romney was asked by the elder Bush if he had received a nod from younger Bush 43. Uhhhhhh No....everyone looks uncomfortable except Elder Bush's socks!

No endorsement from Scott Walker during WI Primary...who wants that hanging around his neck!?

While watching MTP with Sen. Johnson from WI , a Tea Partier, endorse Romney for Prez. I noticed it wasn't about Romney at all. Slamming Obama is the name of the game for this dude. Sometiemes endorsements are only for those endorsing to get their brand of brainwash out on the networks. No Love for Romney there.

It seems that those that endorse get one last chance in the lime light, a la Herman Cain who seems to want to do anything to prove he has what it takes next time around.

The Anti-endorsement message seems to be louder then a positive endorsement. Bob Dole's words are louder then Fred Thompson. Thompson gave the best verbal endorsement of Newt but still all the complaining about negative campaigning makes Gingrich look small.

Apparently R Gov Nikkey Haley's endorsement did nothing to improve the chances of S.C. victory for Romney, why does the R Gov of FL endorsement matter so much?

How did Newt end up getting the Tea Party endorsement overnight?

Matt Damon thought people cared about his opinions on politics for 2 secs when he pulled his endorsement of Obama after campaigning for him in 2008. Does Matt Damon think we think we value his opinion of Obama over our own opinions? Who's going to care what Matt Damon thinks when they vote?

Some endorsements like Jon Huntsman's endorsement of Romney hurt sooo much.

Three more endorsements will be made from the candidates still running who will not win the nomination. Who gets Newt's? Who gets Santorum's endorsement? What about Ron Paul?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Attack in B Minor For Strings

Listen to the people: Leave Afghanistan

2011's newest word in the dictionary is "occupier", TIME magazine's person of the year was the protestor. This year has proved the people have a voice, people all over the world are standing up to their governments and leaders. In this respect I have a warning to the future President of the United States. LEAVE AFGHANISTAN! The people of America want it, the people of Afghanistan want it, there is no support for this war at home. While the people of America have been focused on the economy and the disparity of wealth in their protests, the wars of the past decade in the Middle East are direct contributors to the depressed economy we are still trying to rebound from.

The human cost:
1875 United States soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, many thousands more injured, 1875 mothers and fathers losing their children. The ones that come home suffer the psychological effects of war as well as the physical. The Afghans themselves have suffered the highest number of casualties then any side in this war. Many deaths were from US drone bombs dropped in the country, the United States "maintains" refugee camps for the survivors of bombings. My generation will pay the cost of this war, we pay it with troops, we pay with a deficit growing as a result of continuing the war, and I believe it will be up to my generation to get us out. No one in Washington knows how to get out of this war, it may be left up to the children of this war to end it.

The money:
The Afghanistan government is so poor and unable to support itself that it cannot support paying it's own police. America pays for the police of Afghanistan while firing police from our states and communities. 1.5 Billion spent each year just on military actions. There is tremendous waste and fraud between private contractors hired to "rebuild" the country and the maintenance of the government of another country. 500,000 dollars to support each troop in the country more then any other war in history.  How can any Republican defend good money after bad in Afghanistan? There is no oversight for these companies hired to rebuild roads which aren't getting built. We have traded our economy for this war. We continually fund this war simply because there is no way not to. Getting troops and supplies to Afghanistan is very complicated and costly. A road going through Pakistan north through the country through dangerous territories hostile to the United States. Another road is being built that will travel through 4 countries. This one road is costing millions to build and costing us millions in under the table costs. We build roads in their country and we can't fix our own roads?!

It doesn't work!
The reason we invaded Afghanistan was to end terrorism. We needed to get rid of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden was there! After 10 years, terrorism still plagues America, sometimes from Americans. The Taliban has been out of power for years. And Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan. And now the operation is nation-building. As many Taliban and Al'Qaeda have been trained and born in the last 10 years as has been killed. Our continued presence and bombings breeds new terrorists, more anti-American sentiments, more children who are recruited. The women of Afghanistan have not been liberated in any sense of the word, two months ago there was a story of woman and her child imprisoned for being raped and then forced to marry her rapist to escape prison. America is responsible for the supression of women's rights, we hired the men who oppress and prosecute women. President Bush claimed in many speeches victory and progress and a better lifestyle in Afghanistan. Given the facts we know today I assert he was using propaganda to hide the failing war. History will judge this war and it's efforts by presidents, we did not learn from previous attempts to invade this country. The people of America and the people of Afghanistan have suffered, protested, sacrificed and died for this war. No one wants us there any more. The people need to demand this stop. Ask the Republican nominees what their plan would be for getting out of Afghanistan and demand they end the war. Ask your President to reconsider his position on this war and turn around the troops. Ask your congressman to stop funding the war. Demand this war end! Demand your representatives hear you!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dems Fire Back At GOP Proposals To Drug Test Jobless: 'You Pee In The Cup'

Seriously?­! Seems like a weak come-back to me...they couldn't fight the Republican­s with the cost of drug testing and taxpayers are funding ALL of these drug tests, most of which will come up negative (waste). Therefore the DEMOCRATS will make it worse!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost