2011's newest word in the dictionary is "occupier", TIME magazine's person of the year was the protestor. This year has proved the people have a voice, people all over the world are standing up to their governments and leaders. In this respect I have a warning to the future President of the United States. LEAVE AFGHANISTAN! The people of America want it, the people of Afghanistan want it, there is no support for this war at home. While the people of America have been focused on the economy and the disparity of wealth in their protests, the wars of the past decade in the Middle East are direct contributors to the depressed economy we are still trying to rebound from.
The human cost:
1875 United States soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, many thousands more injured, 1875 mothers and fathers losing their children. The ones that come home suffer the psychological effects of war as well as the physical. The Afghans themselves have suffered the highest number of casualties then any side in this war. Many deaths were from US drone bombs dropped in the country, the United States "maintains" refugee camps for the survivors of bombings. My generation will pay the cost of this war, we pay it with troops, we pay with a deficit growing as a result of continuing the war, and I believe it will be up to my generation to get us out. No one in Washington knows how to get out of this war, it may be left up to the children of this war to end it.
The money:
The Afghanistan government is so poor and unable to support itself that it cannot support paying it's own police. America pays for the police of Afghanistan while firing police from our states and communities. 1.5 Billion spent each year just on military actions. There is tremendous waste and fraud between private contractors hired to "rebuild" the country and the maintenance of the government of another country. 500,000 dollars to support each troop in the country more then any other war in history. How can any Republican defend good money after bad in Afghanistan? There is no oversight for these companies hired to rebuild roads which aren't getting built. We have traded our economy for this war. We continually fund this war simply because there is no way not to. Getting troops and supplies to Afghanistan is very complicated and costly. A road going through Pakistan north through the country through dangerous territories hostile to the United States. Another road is being built that will travel through 4 countries. This one road is costing millions to build and costing us millions in under the table costs. We build roads in their country and we can't fix our own roads?!
It doesn't work!
The reason we invaded Afghanistan was to end terrorism. We needed to get rid of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden was there! After 10 years, terrorism still plagues America, sometimes from Americans. The Taliban has been out of power for years. And Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan. And now the operation is nation-building. As many Taliban and Al'Qaeda have been trained and born in the last 10 years as has been killed. Our continued presence and bombings breeds new terrorists, more anti-American sentiments, more children who are recruited. The women of Afghanistan have not been liberated in any sense of the word, two months ago there was a story of woman and her child imprisoned for being raped and then forced to marry her rapist to escape prison. America is responsible for the supression of women's rights, we hired the men who oppress and prosecute women. President Bush claimed in many speeches victory and progress and a better lifestyle in Afghanistan. Given the facts we know today I assert he was using propaganda to hide the failing war. History will judge this war and it's efforts by presidents, we did not learn from previous attempts to invade this country. The people of America and the people of Afghanistan have suffered, protested, sacrificed and died for this war. No one wants us there any more. The people need to demand this stop. Ask the Republican nominees what their plan would be for getting out of Afghanistan and demand they end the war. Ask your President to reconsider his position on this war and turn around the troops. Ask your congressman to stop funding the war. Demand this war end! Demand your representatives hear you!
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